I've always loved talking into a microphone.
In high school, I was thrilled when they asked me to read the daily announcements over the PA system. The thrill was short-lived however, as I was sent to detention after I was heard impersonating the principal. While I was attending Wayne State University in Detroit, I started a radio internship at 98.7 WLLZ. When I wasn’t fetching coffee for the morning host Ken Calvert, I would go to the production studio and record myself doing voice impressions. Then I would leave cassettes('member those?)of the impressions on Ken’s desk. One day Ken called me up and asked if I would be interested in calling in to the show as Bill Clinton once a week. Well I sure didn’t need to be asked twice! For 30 years, I've been talking into a microphone, or telephone - on radio shows across North America and Australia. And as a voice actor, performing voice-overs for multiple media platforms & purposes, serving clients like AT&T, FX Networks, & Ford Motor Company, among others. After serving successive full-time tours of duty with Mojo in the Morning, Dick Purtan, and Rick Dees, I launched my own voice-over business. When I'm not talking into a microphone, I'm spending time with my wife and kids, and our mini-labradoodle, Gordie. |